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Sharing tips for online dating success

A Bizarre Yet Clever Online Dating Profile

When we started this company, our dedication was to coach facial expressions and accurately show how fun and interesting our clients are. As we kept shooting, we realized that adding some bizarre humor into the shoots was very effective. We know that our photos look candid, yet professional - but, what if we could also be a bit witty with the photos we take.

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Man in striped collared shirt smiling

The Smirk How We Coach Expressions To Look Alive

By far the most important aspect of our business is that of facial expression coaching. With all of our facial muscles, slight movements can entirely change the implications of what you mean to others. Most haven’t ever thought about facial expressions, but they are crucial for dates, job interviews, and especially every photo you’ll ever take.

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The Best First Date Ideas

Where should you go on your first date? There are so many places! But, what if you want to be original? This blog will show you six of the most unique first date spots that are sure to impress the other person you're going out with!

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