Bumble Basics

How Does Bumble Work

Written by Shane White

If you’ve been using dating apps for a while, chances are you’ve used — or at least heard of — Bumble. Similar to other dating apps, Bumble has been around for almost a decade now, but still manages to stand out from the crowd.

In fact, data shows that there are over 12.3 million monthly active users around the world, with 5.5 million in the U.S. alone. While Tinder may lead the way when it comes to dating apps, Bumble isn’t far behind!

In this article we’ll cover:

  • What Bumble is
  • What makes it unique
  • How the Bumble algorithm works
  • How to get started with Bumble
  • Options within the app
  • What Bumble looks like for both guys and girls
  • How Bumble Chats work
  • What happens when you make a match on Bumble
  • Our top tips for conversation starters
  • How to use Bumble’s search capabilities
  • What you need to know about taking screenshots
  • Reasons why you might not be making any matches and how to improve your profile
  • How you can spot a fake Bumble profile
  • Whether or not Bumble is for hookups or serious dating
  • The truth behind ghosting on Bumble
  • Frequently asked questions.

Let’s get into it!

What Is Bumble?

Launched in 2014, Bumble is a dating and networking app, which uses your location to find matches in your area within a certain distance. As with other dating apps, you create a profile, specify certain criteria (such as gender, interests, and more), and upload a few pictures. 

When you browse through the app, if you see someone you like, you can swipe right on them. If you don’t like them, you can swipe left and move on.

If you think it sounds similar to Tinder, then perhaps that’s because it was created by ex-Tinder co-founder — Whitney Wolfe Herd. The main difference? She wanted to create a dating app which put the woman first

So, if you and your potential match both mutually swipe right on each other, only the woman can message first. If after 24 hours there is no first message, the match is deleted.

Left swipes are also not forever, which is pretty interesting, and takes away from the gamification of certain other apps.

What Is Unique About Bumble? 

Thanks to women-initiated conversations on Bumble, this makes the platform unique and allows women on the app to set the pace of their conversations. 

Rather than being forced into a conversation they may not be comfortable with, this makes Bumble feel like a “safer”, more controlled environment than other dating apps.

Additionally, Bumble isn’t just aimed at potential couples. Thanks to features such as Bumble BFF, you could meet a new friend (perhaps if you’ve moved cities recently and don’t know anyone). Bumble Bizz could also help you meet your new business partner!

Now that’s something a little different from other dating apps!

In fact, the focus on inclusivity and user safety has made Bumble into what it is today. For example, if you’ve matched with someone but things feel a little off, you can unmatch them, report, or block them.

As for inclusivity, Bumble has partnered with GLAAD to help better service their LBTQIA+ community, and there are a plethora of gender identities to choose from when you set up your profile. 

You can also choose who you match with and who can see your profile, meaning that you’re more likely to match with a person you really want to.

With Bumble Premium you can even activate Incognito Mode, a feature which allows you to have total control over who can view your profile when browsing others’. 

Pretty handy if you want to avoid coworkers, nosy neighbors, or mutual friends!

Pros of Using Bumble

Empowers women

Thanks to the female-led focus, women are free to take the lead when it comes to connecting with everyone they really want to. On most dating apps, women are inundated with messages, which can lead to dating app fatigue. However, as Bumble only allows women to send the first message, that means no more having to field you-know-what pics and endless “Hey” messages!

More meaningful connections

Unlike other dating apps, the focus on Bumble is on making meaningful connections. One of the ways the app helps you do that is through their filter settings. Bear in mind that you’ll only have access to more advanced filters if you pay for Bumble Premium.

  • Measures are put into place for your personal safety

If you’re worried about your personal security, there are handy extra verification features. Not sure if the person you’re talking to is a catfish? Ask them to verify their identity.

The safety team at Bumble are also committed to making sure that the user experience on the app is as problem free as possible. Not only do they actively remove profiles that violate any of their safety initiatives, there are also various features available (such as “Private Detective” which blurs inappropriate images, as well as a “Snooze” function for your profile if you need a break).

User demographics are more equal

Most dating apps and sites have a significant skew towards male users. However, Bumble’s ratio is around 57% men to 43% women, which is much more balanced.

Roughly 60% of matches lead to conversation

According to Whitney Wolfe Herd, those matches actually lead somewhere!

Profile bios are capped at 300 characters

Though it may be surprising, having a limited number of words for your bio actually means that you can keep it short and snappy on Bumble, which could lead to more matches.

Video calling and voice chat are available in-app

Not sure if you’re ready to meet IRL yet? Bumble allows singles to make voice and video calls from within the app itself to protect your privacy, so no need to give out your phone number if you’re not ready to!

Cons of Using Bumble

Men can’t send the first message

This may not be a con for everyone, but if you’re the kind of guy who likes to take charge, you may find it frustrating not being able to initiate conversation. On the other hand, if you’re a woman who’s a little shy, it can be incredibly intimidating to have to send that first message!

There’s a limited amount of time to initiate a conversation

If, once you’ve matched, the woman doesn’t send a message within 24 hours, the match will be lost.

Better features are only available with Bumble Premium

Unfortunately, some of the better features of the app need to be paid for. However, throwing a little money at it can get you access to:

  • Advanced settings and filters
  • “Private Detective”
  • Access to “Beeline” which allows you to see who’s into you
  • “Travel Mode” which will allow you to change your location
  • “Backtrack” (to undo left swipes)
  • Time extensions on matches
  • Unlimited swipes
  • The ability to rematch expired users
  • One “Spotlight” per week (which moves your profile to the top of the match queue for 30 minutes)
  • Five “SuperSwipes” per week
  • Incognito Mode.
  • Bumble has a smaller user base, especially compared to other dating apps

While it’s popular, Bumble hasn’t quite taken over from more popular apps, such as Tinder. Therefore there may be more competition and less opportunity to meet new people.

How Bumble’s Algorithm Works

As with other dating apps, there’s an algorithm behind Bumble that determines how you see other users, and how they view your profile. 

While the exact ins and outs of the algorithm are confidential, here’s what we know for sure:

Bumble’s algorithm does not learn from your swiping pattern

While other algorithms will show you more people based on those you swipe right or left on, Bumble’s doesn’t.

Getting too swipe happy will get you a shadow ban

Bumble’s focus is on meaningful connections. That means if you try to swipe right on every single profile that comes up, all that’ll do is flag to the algorithm that you could be a bot, resulting in a shadow ban.

Yes, as with Tinder, there are more “popular” users. However, unlike Tinder, the algorithm does not rank you so strictly according to various “desirability” factors, but instead on whether a high volume of people have swiped right on your profile.

However, a large part of this is down to the perceived attractiveness of a user, as is the case with many dating apps!

Poor profile photos will rank you lower in the algorithm

This really comes down to swipe activity. Unfortunately, many times on dating apps, whether or not you get the opportunity to match with another user all comes down to how you present yourself. And, with a 300 character bio limit, that means your images are even more important.

Time and time again we’ve seen profiles with average, blurry, or low-quality photos. That does nothing to help you get results!

Our advice? Make sure that your photos are top notch by working with professionals, like The Match Artist!

We specialize in photos for your dating profile that allow you to show yourself in the best light and will get you more dates! Really!

Don’t give the algorithm the opportunity to push you out of the queue and put your best foot forward!

Inactive users don’t get taken out of the match queue

Hinge’s algorithm takes plenty of factors into play, including how active a user you are. Bumble, on the other hand, doesn’t. So, if you’re not on the app 24/7, no need to worry — you’ll still show up for other users!

Bumble learns through the information you give it

Since you have the option to set filters in order to find your perfect match, this is primarily how the algorithm presents you with profiles. However, if you’re too specific, you could be shown too small a pool of users, and if you’re too general, it could be hard to really find someone who matches the types of people you’re looking to meet.

How to Get Started With Bumble

Ready to set up your Bumble account? A basic account is free and easy to set up. You’ll just need to make sure that you:

  • Have a Facebook account
  • Are at least 18
  • Are legally permitted to use Bumble, according to where you live.

It’s worth knowing that while most people will tend to use Bumble on their phone, you can also use Bumble on your desktop, laptop, or tablet with Bumble Web. The only difference is that certain features will be unavailable on the web version.

Here’s everything you need to know about getting started!

Download the App

You can download the Bumble app from the App Store, if using an Apple device, or the Google Play store, if using an Android device.

Create Your Bumble Profile

The next step is to create your account and profile.

Account Creation

When you sign up for an account, you have the option of either using your phone number or existing Facebook account. If you choose to use your Facebook account, it will automatically import some basic information as well as your most recent profile photos into your Bumble profile.

Of course, we recommend not just going with your Facebook photos for your account, especially if they mostly consist of dimly-lit selfies and group pics! If you do use this method to create your profile, you can edit your profile picture in the app (or on Bumble Web). 

Profile Photos

Bumble allows you to upload six photos to your profile, which we would strongly suggest you do! This allows you to show different sides of yourself and personality traits, which could help you make some matches.

Struggling to find any good, recent photos of yourself? That’s where The Match Artist can help!

When you book in with us, you’ll receive a personalized four to five hour photoshoot. Our talented photographers aim to shoot in locations both inside and out, as well as in a variety of outfits, to get you a great range of images you can use.

Your leading profile photo should be a headshot. That means there’s a lot of emphasis on exactly how you’re looking into the camera, which may feel like a lot of pressure! We’ve seen folks freeze up when the lens is pointed at them, even if doing anything else they’re normally easy and relaxed!

We’re the same!

But that’s why we offer facial expression coaching leading up to your photoshoot, as well as on the day. We’ll give you tips and tricks to look more handsome, sexy, mysterious, or anything else you can think of in front of the camera. Then, all you’ll have to do is practice in front of the mirror and countdown to your shoot day!

Profile Prompts

When creating your account, you’ll have the option to select a prompt from the Profile Prompts section. Similar to Hinge’s Prompts, this allows you to tell potential matches a little bit more about yourself in a bite-sized form.

Remember, the key to Profile Prompts is that you should be encouraging someone to want to start a conversation with you, so keep it positive and genuine!

While you can fill out multiple prompts, you’ll only be able to display one on your profile page at a time.

About Me

This is the part of your profile where you can write a 300-character bio. Be sure to use your 300 characters wisely!

Some of our top tips for crafting an awesome bio include:

  • Keeping it short and sweet
  • Making it funny (if you can)
  • Avoiding clichés
  • Using the 70/30 rule: 70% should be about you and 30% should be about your ideal match.

Fill Out Other Basic Information Fields

You have the option to include both your job title and education in your profile. Of course, this is entirely up to you, but we’d err on the side of caution — after all, this information is public!

You can also specify various information about yourself, which includes everything from your height, religion, and star sign, to what you’re looking for in a relationship. These show up as badges on your profile, allowing others a window into your likes and dislikes at a glance.

Making sure you complete your profile fully will help the algorithm match you with other users.

Bumble now has interest badges so it's easier to tell daters your likes |  Tech News

Linking Other Accounts

Finally, when setting up your profile, you have the option to link both your Instagram and Spotify accounts to your Bumble profile. This will then automatically show your most recent Instagram posts, or most recently played Spotify tracks on your profile.

While this can be a great way to give others a bit of insight into your life, be aware that it can also be a privacy concern.

Top Tips

We know that setting up a profile can be intimidating, so here’s some of our top tips which could help you get a few more clicks of the Heart icon!

Keep it positive

When you’ve got a small amount of space to get someone’s attention, being a downer will stand out more. Focus on what you love, rather than the opposite, and you’re bound to get a few more compliments coming your way.

Make sure you have a mix of photos

Don’t be afraid to mix it up and have a variety of recent photos that show you doing things you love. Try to keep your group photos to a minimum of one (and maybe leave out any from one of those raucous parties!), and if you post a photo with your family clearly caption it! There’s nothing worse than someone assuming your sister is your girlfriend…!

Be genuine and authentic

We get it, it can be hard to show your true self online, but trying to be as real as possible will lead to genuine connections and real relationships. Don’t shy away from showing your weird and offbeat self!

Verify your profile

Verifying your profile lets other potential matches know that you are who you say you are, which helps to make you seem safe and approachable. A big tick in your favor!

Set Your Match Preferences

Finally, make sure you set your match preferences. You can do this in the Settings section of the app.

Basic filters include:

  • Age range
  • Gender
  • Distance.

With a basic account you’ll only be allowed to select one advanced filter, so if you want to narrow your preferences down a little more, you’ll need to sign up for Bumble Premium.

Bumble Date, BFF, and Bizz all have different filters available. For both BFF and Date the options are very similar, aside from filters around future children, dating, and what you’re looking for in a partner.

While there is a temptation to set very strict filters across the board to find your “ideal” match, it’s important that you set realistic preferences. The fact that there are less users on Bumble combined with extremely rigid preferences could limit your number of potential matches.

If you have absolute deal breakers — maybe around religion, smoking, or drinking — then by all means, be specific. But if you only want to meet an Ivy-league educated, 6 ft. tall, super-model-slash-cancer-researcher, who enjoys hiking with their rescue dog every Sunday, you may be out of luck!

Remember to be open minded! Your ideal partner could be just outside of your preferences settings!

Your App Options

There are three main options for Bumble. These are the basic version of Bumble, Bumble Premium, and Bumble Boost. Only the basic version is free, and you’ll have a limit of 25 swipes per day.

While Boost is slightly less expensive than Premium, it has a few less features, such as the ability to set more filters. 

However, if you’re mostly happy with the basic version and aren’t willing to pay significantly more, then Boost will still get you a few essential features. This could get you to your goal of making more matches, without needing to break the bank!

If you don’t want to pay for Boost or Premium, there are a couple of options that you can purchase to enhance your Bumble experience. 

One is SuperSwipe (similar to Super Like on Tinder), the other is Spotlight, which will push your profile to the top of the match queue for 30 minutes at a time (or 150 minutes, if you use two Spotlights together).

Bear in mind that if you’re outside of the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, you may have slightly different subscription features.

You can purchase all subscription upgrades by tapping the grey silhouette in the left corner of your screen.

Bumble Premium Guide

Bumble Premium is the most expensive option. You can pay for:

  • 1 day ($3.49)
  • 1 week ($13.99)
  • 1 month ($29.99)
  • 3 months ($59.99)
  • 6 months ($99.99)
  • A lifetime subscription ($149.99).

With Premium you’ll have access to:

  • Beeline (which allows you to see who’s swiped right on your profile)
  • Rematch, so you can connect again with any matches who have expired
  • Extend your matches by a further 24 hours
  • Use Backtrack, which allows you to undo your last left swipe (unlimited)
  • Unlimited swipes
  • Five SuperSwipes weekly
  • One Spotlight weekly
  • Incognito Mode
  • Travel Mode
  • More advanced filters.

If you don’t want to commit to a lengthy time frame, the daily upgrade is a good way to test out the advanced features and see if it makes much of a difference to your matches.

Bumble Boost

With Bumble Boost, you can pay for:

  • 1 day ($1.99)
  • 1 week ($6.99)
  • 1 month ($18.99)
  • 3 months ($39.99)
  • 6 months ($59.99).

While it’s somewhat cheaper, you’ll only have access to:

  • Backtrack
  • Unlimited swipes
  • One Spotlight weekly
  • Five SuperSwipes weekly
  • Rematch
  • Extend your matches by a further 24 hours.

You may find that this is all you need, however!

How Does Bumble Look For Guys?

The user experience whether you’re a guy or girl on the app is, for the most part, extremely similar, with only one main difference: if you’re a guy, you can’t send the first message.

With that said, here’s what to expect if you’re a guy on Bumble!

When you open the app and begin to swipe through profiles, you’ll be able to see:

  • A user’s basic info
  • Their photos
  • Any linked social media, such as their Instagram or Spotify.

You’ll only be able to see if someone else has liked you if you’ve mutually liked them, or if you’ve paid for Beeline or Premium.

If you’ve made a match, you’ll be invited into a chat room where, unfortunately, you’ll just have to wait for up to 24 hours for the girl to send the first message. If there’s no message in that time, the match will expire.

Of course, you can pay to keep the match going for a little longer. After all, who knows, maybe they lost their phone, forgot their password, or have been out and about and busy with life!

But, if the match does expire, they won’t be gone forever, and you could always try your luck if you come across them again in your match queue (just don’t be weird about it)!

So, knowing that you’re slightly on the back foot and can’t make the first move, how can you ensure that your profile stands out from the crowd?

Here’s our top tips for success:

Level up your photos

Yes, this old chestnut again! If all you have is your photos, 300-character bio, and maybe a few badges to get your profile to stand out, what do you think is going to make the biggest difference?

Ditch those gym selfies, bin off any blurry or grainy images, and get some professional photos!

You can, of course, enlist a friend with a DSLR to take the photos for you, but if you want to leave it in the hands of the professionals, The Match Artist has you covered!

Don’t forget, you not only want to make sure you appear in your best light, you also want to make sure your photos tell a full story of who you are and the things you care about!

Make full use of those six photos and include photos of you doing things you love (maybe an activity), with people you love, and — if you have one — a photo with your poochy pal is a big hit!

Make sure your bio actually tells others about you

If you’ve only got 300 characters, don’t waste it by not telling potential matches about yourself!

Remember, keep it positive and funny, use the 70/30 rule, and don’t just turn it into a shopping list of what you’re looking for!

The best bios are ones that encourage someone to want to get to know you better and offer a conversation starter. That way your potential match will want to jump straight into a conversation with you before the 24 hours is up!

Use prompts wisely

Prompts are a great way to get someone interested enough that they want to ask you more. They’re also a great way to make your profile about the person you’d like to meet (the 70/30 rule).

Pick a prompt to display on your profile that a potential match will just have to respond to, and watch the likes pour in!

When you do make a match, respond quickly

If you make a match and she sends a message within 24 hours, don’t keep her waiting for a reply for too long! As they say, strike while the iron is hot and keep the interest and momentum going.

And, if you’re both feeling the vibe, don’t wait too long to make a date — even a virtual one!

How Does Bumble Look For Girls?

As mentioned, the way the app actually looks for girls, is exactly the same as for guys. When you open the app and begin to swipe through profiles, you’ll be able to see:

  • A user’s basic info
  • Their photos
  • Any linked social media, such as their Instagram or Spotify.

Again, you’ll only be able to see if someone else has liked you if you’ve mutually liked them, or if you’ve paid for Beeline or Premium.

However, if you make a match with a guy, you’ll see a screen inviting you to send the first message within 24 hours. If you don’t message within that time, the match will expire.

Remember, if you’re a little busy and don’t get around to sending that first message within 24 hours, the potential match won’t be gone forever, and they can still show up in your match queue at a later date.

If, on the other hand, you changed your mind and decided that you didn’t really want to match with them, after all, you can always unmatch them. This won’t stop them from showing up in your match queue again, unless you block them.

While Bumble works very much in your favor as a woman, there are still some keys to success, so that you can make more matches and meaningful connections.

Photos still come first

Yes, we’re still harping on about the photos! That’s because this is the first opportunity you have to really grab someone’s attention.

And, whether you’re a guy or a girl, if you need to level up your photos, The Match Artist can help!

Be honest and highlight your best attributes

Use your bio to highlight why you’d be fun to hang out with. While guys may look at your photos first, personality is what will win them over!

Don’t forget to mention what physical activities you enjoy (research has shown that men are into physically fit women), especially if it’s something you and a potential match could possibly do together!

If you make a match, don’t delay with your first message

While you have 24 hours to send that first message, if you are interested, send a message straight away and get the ball rolling! Not only will it show that you’re interested, it also shows consideration to the other person waiting for a first message!

Craft your first message carefully

We get it, it can be a little intimidating to be the one to start off the conversation but, please, don’t just make it, “Hey”!

What was it about the other person that got you interested? Was there a particular photo, prompt response, or something in their bio?

This is an opportunity for you to show that you looked at their profile, liked their vibe, and want to get to know them better. Look for conversation starters and get them talking about themselves!

Be confident and positive

Confidence is a huge turn on, so show that off in your profile! Trust us — you’ll have likes coming at you from all corners in no time!

How Bumble Chats Works

Once you’re in a chat and the woman has already initiated the conversation, you can chat as normal, without your conversation expiring.

If you’re feeling a little shy and need a bit of help with your conversation, you can use Bumble’s Question Game to help kick things off. You’ll find this on the right of your text box, and they work very much like prompts.

Both of you will have to respond before your answers are revealed.

You can also use Hints, which are available to guys as a nudge towards how the woman could start off the conversation.

If you feel that the match isn’t for you, you can always unmatch with the other person. And, if things are going in a direction that you’re not comfortable with, or the other party is being abusive or inappropriate, you can always report and block them.

Hopefully, it won’t come to that! But if it does, it’s good to know that there are procedures in place to keep you safe.

If you’d like to move from text chat to voice call or video chatting, you can from within the app. You can also record a video or voice clip to send to your match.

You can also make use of Bumble’s Night In function, which is a trivia game you can play together (there are three rounds, each with five questions) if you’re video chatting. While you can start a Night In if you’re in a video chat, you can also schedule one for a time when you and your match are both available.

Bear in mind that Night In is only available in selected markets, currently.

You can also send photos to one another — but we recommend keeping it PG! At least, at first!

Starting a conversation with someone and keeping it going can be pretty intimidating, so here are some of our best tips:

  • Move past the small talk quickly
  • Be real and authentic
  • Share just as much as you ask
  • Don’t be afraid to get deep
  • Don’t stay in the talking phase for too long.

What Happens When You Match With Someone on Bumble?

Once you’ve made a match, if you’re a guy, you’ll see a pop-up telling you that you’ve matched, and an option to go to the chat room.

If you’re a girl, you’ll see a pop-up telling you that you’ve matched, and a text box so that you can send the first message.

If the girl doesn’t message within 24 hours, the match will expire.

While there is, of course, no obligation to send a message once you’ve matched with someone, the focus on Bumble is real and meaningful connections. And for the guy, having to wait to see if they’re going to receive a first message before the match expires can be pretty excruciating!

Our best advice? Only swipe right on people you’re actually interested in, and once you’ve made a match, don’t wait too long to send that first message.

Equally, once you’ve received a first message, don’t play games and wait too long to reply!

Bumble Conversation Starters: Useful Tips

If you’re having difficulty thinking how to start your conversation, don’t worry! You’re not alone!

Not only are there a few virtual dating tools available to you, Bumble also has a Conversation Starter Generator which could help inspire you!

Here are some other ideas:

Use the information they’ve shared on their profile to start your conversation

For example, “Your dog is so cute! What’s their name?” or, “I’m a keen home cook, too — what’s your signature dish?”

Keep it light

For example, “Describe yourself in three emojis.”

Share a little about yourself

When you open up, it can make the other person feel closer to you. So don’t be afraid to get vulnerable! For example, “Let’s play two truths and a lie — you go first!”

Compliments will get you everywhere

Let’s face it, we all love a compliment! So don’t be shy and get specific! For example, “I saw your profile and had to swipe right — cute guy, nice eyes, great smile!”

When it comes to keeping the conversation going:

Keep a little anticipation early on

Start off by keeping things short and sweet, and, when you want to start waxing lyrical, consider taking it off the app!

Message during the “golden hour”

Pay attention to what time you’re messaging: during the day most people are at work, so the best time to message is after work. Bumble suggests that around 6pm is the ideal time.

Authenticity is the key

For a real connection, you need to be real! Maybe don’t go around giving out your social security number, but be honest and genuine.

If you’re not sure where to go next, use one of the built-in features

Need to mix things up a bit? It’s okay to use one of Bumble’s features, like Night In! And, if it feels like the messages are getting a bit stale, it may be time to consider going on an IRL date!

Don’t wait too long to make your move

Finally, if the vibe is right, ask them on a date!

Bumble Search: Can You Find Someone on Bumble For Free?

While there is no search function on Bumble, and you can’t find a specific user, there are ways to find out if someone is using the app.

However, a word of caution! If you’re in a relationship and suspect that your partner is on Bumble, the best option is always to talk to them first.

With that said, there are a few workarounds for finding out if someone’s on Bumble.

  • Create a fake account and set your location and preferences according to the person you’re trying to find
  • Search for the person you’re trying to find through a third-party service
  • Check by signing up to another dating app with their email address.

There are a handful of other options, too, but those are a little more morally dubious, so we won’t go into them here.

Screenshots on Bumble (What to Know)

Bumble does not inform you if someone takes a screenshot of any part of your profile. This includes chats, photos, and whatever else they may want to screenshot.

That means that you’re free to take a screenshot of other people’s profiles, but bear in mind that they can also do the same to you.

Therefore, you need to be extra careful about what information you make public. Our top tips for staying safe online include:

  • Don’t post any vital personal information publicly (eg, your address, phone number, workplace)
  • Never send any money to people you don’t know, especially on dating apps
  • If you’re getting a weird vibe, don’t be afraid to block or report the person
  • Verify your account and don’t be afraid to ask the other person to do so, too
  • Avoid photos of yourself in specific locations close to home, or mentioning places you like to frequent.

How to Avoid Getting No Matches on Bumble 

If you aren’t getting very many matches on Bumble, this could be for a variety of reasons. The most common are:

  • Your photos are low-quality or don’t show you off very well
  • You’re not being selective enough with your swipes
  • Your bio tells a potential match nothing about yourself
  • You’ve set your filters too strictly
  • You haven’t verified your account.

Our best tips to improve your match potential are by making sure that you’ve optimized your profile so that there should be no reason why someone wouldn’t want to match with you!

First, make sure that your photos are high-quality, show you in a variety of different poses and situations, and give a potential match a snapshot into your life (and remember, that’s where The Match Artist can help!).

Next, make sure your bio actually tells people about yourself, as well as what you’re looking for in a match (the 70/30 rule).

Next, don’t be too restrictive with your filters, but be selective when it comes to who you swipe right on! Men have a tendency to swipe right on all available profiles, then weed out matches after they’ve been swiped on, too.

This is a poor dating strategy!

In fact, this could actually signal to the algorithm that you may be a bot and get you shadowbanned! It could also mean that you blast through your 25 daily swipe limit too quickly, leaving you with no swipes left for people you may actually be interested in.

Lastly, verify your profile! That helps show other users that you aren’t a catfish and that you’re really looking for a genuine connection.

How to Spot a Fake Bumble Profile

Generally, when it comes to a fake profile, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!

Look out for the following red flags:

  • The only have one photo and look like a supermodel
  • Their profile makes them seem like the ideal person
  • They’re never able to video chat
  • They’re reluctant to go on an IRL date, or ghost
  • They won’t verify their profile, even when asked
  • They never talk about themselves.

If all of the signs are adding up to a catfish, don’t hesitate to block and report the individual, and you can always contact the support team.

Remember to keep yourself safe by not giving out too much personal information early on, and never send someone you don’t know any money!

Is Bumble a Hookup App or For Serious Dating?

Bumble’s focus on genuine connection means that it tends to attract more serious daters than those looking for hookups. Additionally, the fact that women hold the upper hand when it comes to messaging means that it’s really up to them how interactions proceed.

That’s not to say that you couldn’t find a hookup on Bumble, rather than a serious relationship, but it’s not what the reputation of the app tends to lean towards.

Regardless if you’re looking for a hookup or a relationship, the same tips apply:

  • Make sure your photos are attracting the people you want to attract
  • Ensure your bio has a conversation starter
  • Be genuine and honest
  • Look beyond first impressions and be open minded!

Ghosting on Bumble

Ghosting — ie, when you don’t respond to someone’s messages, unmatch, and disappear like a ghost — is a huge problem on dating apps. It’s an easy way to step away from a match you may not be feeling, but it can also cause lasting hurt and psychological damage.

Usually it’s got nothing to do with you, the person who’s been ghosted, and everything to do with the person who ghosted you.

They may dislike confrontation, or not be a very strong communicator, or even have been talking to someone else and decided to move forward with that relationship. But we know that the lack of closure when someone ghosts can be difficult to deal with, especially if they continue to read your messages but don’t reply.

If you’re a serial ghoster then the best thing you can do is stop ghosting! An honest but kind message explaining why you no longer want to be romantically involved is a much nicer way to end a potential relationship, rather than disappearing into thin air.

If you’ve been ghosted, then the best thing you can do is take the high road and move on. It’s not on you that the other person has ghosted, and continuing to torture yourself over it will only hurt you.

While it can be tempting to send them “one last message”, understand that this is only going to give you closure, as they’re unlikely to message back. If you do decide to do this, keep it short, to the point, and don’t play the blame game. Wish them well, and then don’t contact them again.

Give yourself space to deal with your feelings of hurt and rejection — they’re all valid! — and then practice some self-care, whatever that looks like for you.

Don’t bottle it up either — talk it out with a friend, loved one, or therapist, and write down how it makes you feel so that you have a record of this time and can get it out of your system.

And then? Don’t be afraid to get back out there and try again!

Key Takeaways

Bumble is a great dating app for those looking for a serious relationship. Thanks to its female founder, the app does a lot more to empower women in the dating world, and offers plenty of support when it comes to safety and privacy.

Additionally, Bumble isn’t just for dating! With Bumble BFF and Bumble Bizz, you could use the app to meet your new best friend, or even business partner.

While there are plenty of pros to Bumble, there are a few cons, too. These include:

  • Women initiate conversation, which could be a bit of an adjustment for guys
  • There’s a much smaller user base, especially when compared to other apps
  • The best features on Bumble need to be paid for
  • Matches will expire after 24 hours if the woman doesn’t send a message within that time.

However, Bumble still has plenty to offer if you can get over those road bumps. And if you’re a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, Bumble is committed to inclusivity, from how you identify, to the types of people you’d like to match with.

As with other dating apps, the key to making sure that you stand out is by optimizing your profile. This includes:

  • Making sure your 300-character bio is compelling and contains a conversation starter
  • Including a good prompt that will encourage someone to want to match with you
  • Filling out your profile completely
  • Making use of paid features, if necessary
  • Ensuring your six profile photos show you off!

In our opinion, the last point is the most important, as we know from experience that leveling up your photos is the one thing on your profile guaranteed to get you more matches!

And, when you’re ready to do just that, get in touch with The Match Artist and we’ll be able to help you!

So, now you know how it all works, get out there, explore Bumble and all of its features, and make the most of it! Happy dating!

How Does Bumble Work FAQs

How do you get matches on Bumble?

While we can’t give you an exact formula for how to get matches on Bumble, here are some tips that will help:

  • Make sure your profile is optimized with excellent high-quality photos that show you and your personality off, and an engaging bio
  • Don’t set up an account and then forget about it! Ensure you’re using it frequently and actively engaging with potential matches
  • Fiddle with your match preference settings to be sure that you’re meeting the most compatible people in your area
  • Don’t forget about Bumble Premium or Bumble Boost — upgrading your basic account will give you a few more options and potentially help you meet a match!

Is Bumble a useful dating app for guys?

While Bumble is a female-led dating app, that doesn’t mean that guys can’t have success on the app. 

Unlike other dating apps, since guys can’t send the first message, it does mean that it can be a bit more nerve-wracking. However, because of the way Bumble is set up, it tends to attract more users who are looking for serious relationships.

It’s also described as an app for “meaningful connections”, so though your match rate may be lower, your chances for finding someone you’re genuinely interested in are higher.

Pros include:

  • Your quality of matches will be higher
  • You’ll encounter less fake profiles, thanks to the verification system
  • There are built-in tools to help you with your online dating.

Cons include:

  • You won’t be able to make the first move
  • If the woman doesn’t send a message within 24 hours, your match will expire
  • There may be more competition in order to stand out.

However, there are plenty of Bumble success stories, both from female and male users. Some users not only found love through Bumble, but put a ring on it!

Does Bumble work for queer people?

Bumble is dedicated to being as inclusive as possible. This includes having multiple identity options on the app, even making it onto a list of best dating apps for LGBTQIA+ users.

While throughout this article we’ve mostly talked about how binary users can interact and engage with each other, it’s important to know that Bumble has many options for non-binary and non-heterosexual matches.

Not only can you match across genders (just set your preferences), in non-heterosexual matches and matches involving non-binary people, everyone has the power to message first.

You can also set your preferences to show you people across the gender spectrum, and these can be edited at any time.

There are equally loads of testimonials from LGBTQIA+ users, including Alix and Zac, Thinesh and Mario, and more.

What happens when you match on Bumble?

If you and another user both like each other, you’ll get a notification telling you you’ve made a match. If you’re a guy, you’ll see an option to take you to a chat room, but you won’t be able to send the first message. If you’re a girl, you’ll see a text box to send the first message.

As a guy, while you can’t send the first message, you can send a hint for what your match may want to ask you about. The girl will have 24 hours to send the first message, which if they don’t do will cause the match to expire.

If you have Bumble Boost or Bumble Premium, you’ll be able to extend this time limit by an extra 24 hours. Otherwise, the match will return to the dating pool and you’ll still be able to match with them at a later date (but maybe don’t do this straight away, as it can come across as creepy!).

If you’re a girl on the app, since the power is in your hands, use it wisely! Only like guys who you’re actually interested in, and if you do match, send a message sooner rather than later. Not only will it show them that you’re interested, it’s also kind.

Equally, guys, don’t wait forever to reply once you do receive a message!

If you’re feeling anxious about running out of things to say, don’t forget, there are several built-in features which can help you keep the conversation going. These include Night In, as well as the Question Game.

Try to keep it fun, short and sharp, be honest, and remember, most people are probably on the app after work around 6pm, so you’re more likely to get a response around then!

Is Bumble better than Tinder?

Whether Bumble is better than Tinder really comes down to what you’re looking for.

Bumble’s user base is a lot smaller, but those on the app are more committed to finding a serious relationship. So, in that sense, Bumble is better for relationships than Tinder, and it has an impressive array of features which are all designed to help you make meaningful connections.

However, Tinder’s wider pool of users means that you may come across people you wouldn’t necessarily meet on Bumble. It does mean, however, that there’s likely to be a lot more competition, especially since the male to female ratio is so much higher.

Additionally, Tinder’s users tend to be singles 25 and under, while Bumble’s users tend to be singles 35 and under.

Both Tinder and Bumble have a fair amount of success when it comes to relationships, even to the extent that Tinder has sponsored weddings in the past. And while it may look like Tinder has more relationship success, that’s probably mostly down to the fact that there are more people using Tinder.

Unfortunately, Tinder does have a reputation as more of a hookup app, and while there are plenty of people looking for real connections, there are also plenty who are looking for something quick and dirty!

While we’re not saying that you can’t find that on Bumble, its focus as a female empowered app and rejection of the toxic Tinder culture, means that you’re much more likely to meet the one on Bumble than someone on Tinder.

At the end of the day, whichever app is better for you will depend on what it is you’re looking for from your dating life.


  1. lifewire.com
  2. thebeehive.bumble.com
  3. gq.com
  4. bumble.com
  5. healthyframework.com
  6. bumble.com
  7. beyondages.com
  8. dude-hack.com
  9. thebeehive.bumble.com
  10. vidaselect.com
  11. bumble.com
  12. psychcentral.com
  13. vidaselect.com
  14. roast.dating
  15. earthweb.com
  16. time.com
  17. bumble.com
  18. bumble.com
  19. glaad.org
  20. bumble.com
  21. nytimes.com
  22. bumble.com
  23. bumble.com
  24. bumble.com
  25. medium.com
  26. techcrunch.com
  27. bumble.com
  28. bumble.com
  29. bumble.com
  30. bumble.com
  31. ebm.bmj.com
  32. bumble.com
  33. bumble.com
  34. us1.bumble.com
  35. thebeehive.bumble.com
  36. createcultivate.com
  37. bumble.com
  38. bumble.com
  39. reddit.com
  40. mansiononmainstreet.com
  41. bumble.com
  42. mashable.com
  43. bumble.com
  44. bumble.com
  45. reddit.com
  46. businessofapps.com
  47. businessofapps.com
  48. mashable.com

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