Tinder Dating and Relationships

Do Girls Get More Matches Tinder

Written by Shane White

While it’s pretty easy to sit on your sofa and Swipe, compared with early online dating services like eHarmony, where users would’ve had to fill out extensive surveys and questionnaires, the Tinder environment can still be a pretty frustrating place! Especially when you seem to be swiping endlessly without much to show for it.

While it’s pretty easy to sit on your sofa and Swipe, compared with early online dating services like eHarmony, where users would’ve had to fill out extensive surveys and questionnaires, the Tinder environment can still be a pretty frustrating place! Especially when you seem to be swiping endlessly without much to show for it.

Well the first thing you should know is: it’s not just you!

Research shows that women on the dating app do actually have the upper hand when it comes to matches, leading to more pickiness.

In this article we’re going to cover:

  • Why Tinder is such an imbalanced place
  • Whether or not girls actually do get more matches
  • How many matches the average girl gets
  • What women vs. men want on Tinder
  • Whether or not guys like every girl on Tinder
  • Frequently asked questions.

Let’s get started!

Why is Tinder So Imbalanced?

Tinder leads the way when it comes to online dating. While Bumble may have been created by an ex-Tinder employee and is more female-focused, it hasn’t seen the same success that Tinder has.

But it’s pretty clear to see that Tinder is a woman’s game. And why is that? Put simply, the majority of users on Tinder are male, meaning that the ratio of male-to-female users on Tinder is imbalanced.

In fact, in the U.S., it’s estimated that roughly 70% of profiles are men. That’s a huge difference! And it means that there’s far more competition in even trying to get someone to notice your bio.

The results of this imbalance? Higher selectivity from women when it comes to their activity on Tinder and who they choose to Swipe Right on. Even who they eventually choose to message!

We know from a survey conducted by the Washington Post that men’s Swiping habits don't help the situation. While women would only Swipe Right on people they were genuinely interested in, men treated it like a game, and “casually” liked more of the profiles that appeared on their screen.

While the data says that most women only have to Swipe Right on 3 men to make a match, conversely men have to Swipe Right on over 50 women in order to have success.


But it’s a self-perpetuating cycle!

The more matches women make, the more messages they receive (on average about seven per day compared to the five that they send), and that’s quite an overwhelming amount of attention.

Thus, single women will be a lot choosier, and men will be much more prone to indiscriminate Swipes (the “machine gun” approach).

Do Girls Get More Matches on Tinder?

According to 2021 stats from Swipestats.io in a study done by The Bold Italic, women only Swipe Right around 5% of the time. In comparison, men Swipe Right about 53% of the time.

This ratio, of course, means that women tend to match more frequently, whereas men will likely only match a handful of times.

There was even a study done looking at user activity on Tinder, which confirmed that women tended to get more matches very quickly.

But, interestingly, it’s not just women. It’s also gay men who get a lot of potential matches Swiping Right on them, and it all comes down to how women and men use apps like Tinder (we’ll go into this in further detail a bit later).

It’s important to remember that more matches does not necessarily equal quality matches, and research from 2019 found that in order to go on 1 date, a person would have to make roughly 57 matches.

On top of that, in order for two matches to either enter into a relationship or casual sex, they would need to make more than five times the amount of matches.

That means that men would have to Swipe nearly 6,000 times over a period of two months in order to turn their messages into a first date.

That’s a lot of Swipes!

How Many Matches Does the Average Girl Get on Tinder?

While it can depend, women who are in the top 10% of Tinder users (ie, those who receive most matches), match roughly 5 times a day. Some can even match significantly higher, with roughly a dozen per day. Even those in the bottom 10% will still generally match roughly once a day.

On the other hand, men who are in the bottom 10% may only match once a week (maximum).

Other data also found that women had a matching rate of roughly 10.5%, compared to men whose matching rate was 0.6%.

While it may seem a little grim, that’s not to say that men don’t meet people or find love on the app! In fact, a survey found that 30% of people met someone through Tinder and had a relationship.

What Women Want Vs. What Men Want on Tinder

Surprisingly, we can actually know what women and men are looking for on Tinder, thanks to research data. While it will be different for everyone, generally speaking here’s what the data tells us:

  • Men are more likely to use Tinder to find casual sex partners, rather than relationships. As such, men are more interested in one night stands
  • Female Tinder users are more likely to look at your profile and photos carefully, before Swiping Right, with the hope that it’ll open a line of communication
  • Men were more likely to want to meet up faster, though women weren’t far behind (ie, don’t wait too long to meet up with your match if the spark is there!)
  • Men were less interested in making friends and more interested in short-term dating and casual relationships
  • Women tended to be more interested in finding a potential partner for a long-term relationship, according to this survey.

So, what does this tell us? Well, apart from the obvious, that men are more interested in finding more sexual mates through Tinder, it also shows that the words you use in your bio and your photos could lead to more women saying “yes!” to your profile.

In other words, it is absolutely possible to up your Tinder game by paying close attention to how you present yourself to the world.

And we know firsthand that men who pay closer attention to their profiles get more matches.

At The Match Artist we’ve worked with hundreds of people to help them take photos that get results. After all, when it’s a woman’s game, in order to get on the playing field, you have to stand out in some way.

Do Guys Like Every Girl on Tinder?

While it depends on the individual, the data tells us that men tend to Swipe Right far more than women do, and 30% of men admit to Swiping Right on every profile they see.

In fact, due to this Swipe-happy technique, men tend to see three times more profiles than women.

However, we also know that there are a variety of reasons why people choose dating apps, and it isn’t all just for casual sex or long-term relationships. In fact, these days there are just as many people in relationships who are on Tinder as there are those who are single.

So why are people Swiping other than casual sex or looking for love? The top reasons include:

  • Confidence boosting
  • It’s easier to chat to and meet people
  • They’re bored
  • It provides an instant serotonin hit.

Particularly for men, ‘ease of communication’ and ‘thrill of excitement’ were big motives, which could also explain why men tend to Swipe more (and we know that Swiping and matching can be enough of a thrill in itself that men can neglect to follow through with a message after they match).

Does Higher EducationMatter to Girls?

Key Takeaways

When it comes to Tinder, the odds aren’t in your favor if you’re a guy. It’s an unfortunate fact that Tinder is imbalanced, with less women on the app, and the women who are there, receiving far more matches than men.

However, you shouldn’t give up hope!

If the result of this imbalance is that women are pickier, the solution is for you to make sure that your Tinder profile stands out.

How do you do that? Well, studies show that just by improving your photos, you can increase the number of matches you get.

And our clients do.

Just by working with The Match Artist, the guys we’ve worked with typically see around 20–40 matches every day.

While we’re not going to deny that it’s definitely harder out there for guys than girls, it isn’t impossible! You just need to make sure that you stand out from the pack.

Ready to start making more matches? Get in touch with The Match Artist and let’s start helping you get your profile into shape!

Do Girls Get More Matches on Tinder FAQs

What is the 80/20 rule on Tinder?

The 80/20 rule states that the top 80% of women are fighting over (and dating) roughly the top 20% of men on Tinder. Similarly, the bottom 80% of men are fighting over (and dating) the bottom 20% of women.

Really what this means is that it’s much harder for men to match on Tinder as opposed to women. But you already knew that!

How many matches do attractive guys get on Tinder?

While it’s hard to quantify because it will be different for everyone, the average guy can generally expect to match around 20–50% of the time; attractive guys towards the higher end of that scale.

So, let’s say an attractive guy Swipes Right on his daily allowance of 100 people. The data tells us that he should receive roughly 20–50 matches.

Is Tinder easier for guys or girls?

Thanks to the fact that there are more men on Tinder than women, women have much more choice when it comes to the pool of men they can choose from.

However, it’s important to remember that matches are not the same thing as dates! In order to make a real connection with someone you’ll still need to bring your true and authentic self to the table.


  1. thebolditalic.com
  2. swipestats.io
  3. researchgate.net
  4. statista.com
  5. smh.com.au
  6. marketwatch.com
  7. nd.edu
  8. sciencedirect.com
  9. arxiv.org
  10. medium.com
  11. vox.com
  12. sexandpsychology.com
  13. technologyreview.com

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