Tinder Profile and Photos

What Photos Attract Girls Tinder

Written by Shane White

If you’ve been on Tinder for a while but haven’t been getting as many matches as you’d hoped for, it may be time to switch things up with your profile photos.

If you’ve been on Tinder for a while but haven’t been getting as many matches as you’d hoped for, it may be time to switch things up with your profile photos.

When it comes to dating profiles, first impressions are everything!

In fact, relationship experts’ research has even found that wearing glasses can decrease your Right Swipes by 15%, and hats by 12%. Meanwhile, smiling can increase your Right Swipes by 14%, and facing forward by 20%.

There’s a lot of science out there behind the Swipes! And here at The Match Artist, we know all too well how good photos could be the difference between you making a match and landing those all important first messages, or not.

After all — it’s what we do!

In this article we’ll cover:

  • The reasons why high-quality Tinder photos are so important
  • What you should consider when picking your Tinder pics
  • How to take your Tinder profile pictures like a pro and the types of pics that increase your chances of getting Swiped Right on
  • The 12 best Tinder profile pics that can increase your chances of attention
  • Frequently asked questions.

Ready to level up your dating app game with our guide? Let’s get started!

The Importance of High-Quality Tinder Pictures


No one likes to look at grainy photos, especially not dating photos! And on Tinder, the first thing people do is assess the attractiveness of their potential partner.

While that may seem a little frustrating, it’s something everyone does, whether they’re checking out a guy or woman. And users are encouraged to do so online.

There’s even research which suggests that we make judgements about other people based on how they look, before they’ve even said anything or given out any information about themselves.

In fact, Tinder’s platform works by leveraging the importance we put on someone when we first meet them based on their looks. So it’s absolutely vital that your photos on dating apps show you in your best light.

Factors to Consider When Picking a Tinder Profile Picture

Whether you’re looking for hookups or relationships on Tinder, you’re not even going to go on those first dates if you don’t consider what the camera may be saying about you.

OKCupid wrote a blog post back in 2010 about research-based reasons why certain profile pics on their platform did better than others. While some of it is a little outdated (13 years later!), some of it is still pretty sound advice.

So, here are some of our best Tinder tips and advice for what you should be taking into account when you pick your Tinder pics!

Avoid Taking Group Pictures

Guys: pay attention! Women don’t like too many group photos! Especially not as your main bio pic.

The big problem with group shots is that you’re making your potential match hunt for you amongst your friends when, really, they just want to see you.

Think about how hard it is to pick out people you know from group images — now imagine that with somebody you’re seeing for the first time!

And, if you’re pretty average compared to your friends, then you’re just inviting your potential match to Swipe Left and move on.

On the flip side of this, your entire profile shouldn’t consist of a variety of selfies, either!

While a nice selfie is tempting, unfortunately it can also make you appear vain, rather than handsome, cute, sexy, or whatever else you may want someone to think about you!

Let Your Picture Describe Your Personality


If you have any particular hobbies, now is the time to show it through your photos.

And no, that doesn’t include gym selfies!

Do you play sports, or have interests or activities like rock climbing or surfing? Research has shown that women are more likely to show attraction to men who display an element of danger.

It all harks back to our survival-of-the-fittest mentality, with women choosing partners who were likely to have good, strong genes and be better at child rearing.

So if you have an activity that could be seen as a little risky, include a photo of it!

Wear Nice Clothes & Be Groomed


Dating experts have found that when compared to a more casual outfit, people who dressed up a little for their photos were more positively viewed by potential matches.

It’s not that surprising, right? After all, who doesn’t love a bit of style?

The point is that what you wear matters, so don’t be afraid to spruce it up a little for your profile pics, including running a comb through your hair!

And, on that note, studies have shown that women are very into the vibe that men with beards give off! Not only does it make you seem better looking, it also taps into the idea that you may be a healthier partner, as well as a better potential parent.

Just be sure to keep your beard clean and well-groomed. While a neat, trimmed beard which highlights the features of your face and eyes is a big yes, the caveman aesthetic isn’t the one, my dude.

And remember: keep your shirt on and definitely avoid wearing sunglasses! They can make you seem untrustworthy, and you don’t want people reading into those sorts of details like that!

Select a Clear Background

A study from 2014 found that the place where you take your photos has a huge influence on how people feel about you. In particular, more luxury backgrounds (apartments, for example), increased how women perceived men’s sexual attractiveness.

Interestingly, the same was not true for how men perceived women!

Really, though, the highest level of success you can have with your background is one that’s clear and free of stuff.

Stuff clutters the background and the mind, and may indicate that you have a certain kind of life that may not be as appealing to others.

When we work with our clients at The Match Artist, we spend around 4–5 hours on the photoshoot with one of our professional photographers, helping you to take the best possible photos.

We shoot both indoors and out, making the most of the natural lighting if we can and whatever good, clear backgrounds there are at your location, and we take lots of photos.

This is to make sure that you have plenty of choice on angles, close-ups, headshots, looking into the camera and into the distance, and more, so that anyone who looks at your profile can see you in your best light.

Take High-Quality Pictures

As we’ve already mentioned, taking high-quality pictures is so important for telling your story! No amount of cheesy lines are going to help your case, or find you a beautiful date, if you don’t get this right from the start!

While we know that the best thing you could do is work with us at The Match Artist to boost your profile and make sure that your photos are really top-notch, if you need to do it yourself just make sure that you’re using a proper camera.

Additionally, getting someone to help you out by taking photos for you will ensure that they frame you correctly — after all, this isn’t a filtered, angled, grainy photo worthy of Instagram!

Remember, even if you look great in a photo from five years ago, it’s not necessarily representative of how you look now, so make sure you’re using recent photos (and, if you need help with that, feel free to get in touch with us)!

Avoid Pictures with Other Women

Let’s be honest, you’re here to meet someone, aren’t you? Well, one of the biggest mistakes you can make in your Tinder profile pics is posting photos of you with other women!

You with one woman — it doesn’t look great! Potential matches will immediately spot the woman in the photo and could think that they’re your girlfriend, or significant other.

You with multiple women — oh boy! It’s not a good look and definitely not the vibe you want to give off.

Unless you want comments that you look like a playboy, just don’t do it!

Strive to Look Confident


At the end of the day, confidence is key, and it’s what will make you truly look your best.

We actually do extensive coaching around how to look confident in front of the camera at The Match Artist. That’s because we know from experience how easy it is to freeze up in front of the camera, or default to cheesy smiles.

Looking more confident in the camera could be as simple as adding a little movement, or tilting your head. It could be in looking away from the camera, rather than looking directly at it.

We’ve worked with enough clients to know exactly what the tips and tricks are to making you appear more confident, and we can talk you through it all.

Practice in the mirror before you take your photos so that when it comes to shoot day, you’ll feel relaxed, confident, and ready!

Consider Versatility in Your Tinder Pictures

When it comes to attracting girls on Tinder, versatility in your pictures can be a key factor to consider. In a 2016 research paper, it was found that versatility in pictures was one of the top three factors that college-aged participants considered when evaluating potential matches on the app.

Having a range of pictures that showcase different aspects of your personality and interests allows your matches to get a better idea of who you are and what you look like. This is because a variety of pictures can provide a more comprehensive and accurate representation of yourself than just one image alone. So, if you want to up your chances of attracting girls on Tinder, make sure to consider the versatility of your pictures.

Strive to Make Your Photos Distinct/Unique 

Girls on Tinder are attracted to profiles that stand out from the rest, so it's important to avoid using the same tired visual clichés as everyone else. In other words, if you want to catch a girl's eye, you need to be familiar with the visual language of Tinder and find creative ways to set yourself apart.

This means being mindful of the photos you choose and making sure they convey your unique personality and interests. By doing so, you'll increase your chances of making a positive impression on potential matches.

How to Take Good Tinder Pictures Like a Pro

While really the best way to take photos like a pro is to hire a pro, if you want to do it yourself, then make sure you start with the basics.

Here are some of our best tips:

  • Use a DSLR camera over a phone
  • Get a friend to help you take photos
  • Use natural light where you can (or at least good lighting)
  • Prepare a variety of poses and facial expressions
  • Practice makes perfect!

Are Shirtless Pictures Good for Tinder?

In a word: no! Shirtless pictures just make you look vain and are far less likely to get your many Swipe Rights.

Our best advice? Save the goods for later!

What Pictures Make You Look Better on Tinder?

Any photo where you look relaxed, in your element, and happy is going to be a picture that could get you a Swipe Right!

Like we’ve already mentioned, go for a little more dressed up than casual (no dirty sweatpants here, please!), keep the background clear, and try to include at least one photo that shows your interests or hobbies.

Above all else, people who are looking for a genuine connection want to meet people who seem intelligent, trustworthy, attractive, and confident. So go for approachable, rather than too cool!

What Kind of Photos Get the Most Likes on Tinder?

We’ll go into this in greater detail below, but some of the best photos that will get you more likes on Tinder include:

  • Photos of you enjoying yourself
  • Photos of you with your pet(s)
  • Flattering photos of you
  • Photos that seem genuine and natural.

But let’s go into closer detail now with the 12 best types of Tinder pics you should have in the photo bank!

The 12 Best Types of Tinder Pictures That Get Results

1. The Full Body Physique Shot

While not every woman is looking for a body-builder type, just close-up shots of your head can look a little sus. So be sure to include at least one photo where you can see your full body.

2. The GQ Shot: Pose in Your Best Suit

Take your photos to the next level and get really dressed up. Every woman loves to see a man looking a little suave, even if just to prove that they know how to clean up!

3. Pose with Your Dog

Do you know what the number one photo that could get you more Right Swipes and an opportunity to meet someone?

Animal pics. Specifically, dogs.

Research shows that men who have dogs are seen as more attractive by potential partners. And it’s not just dogs, cats, too (though marginally less, as people have a bunch of opinions about cats).

Either way, including a photo of your dog (or a borrowed friend’s dog), could get you a few more Right Swipes and are an instant conversation starter!

4. The Social Shot: Highlight That You Do Fun Things

Look, it’s all well and good to be a couch potato sometimes, but when you’re trying to make a good first impression, pick a photo that shows that you do leave your apartment and have a social life — if only from time to time!

Your potential match will want to know that you have a group of friends and that you know how to let loose. So be sure to have a photo that proves it on hand!

5. The Outdoors Shot: Post in the Wilderness

Hunter-gatherer vibes could make you seem more attractive to a potential match. It’s all to do with the way our brains are wired!

And, at the very least, you may attract someone who’s into hiking — a fun activity to do together, and a good conversation starter!

6. The Down-to-Earth Casual Shot

While we’ve talked quite a bit about elevating your images by making sure you’re well groomed, don’t forget to include a photo that shows that you’re just a guy, looking for a girl…!

Remember: approachable!

7. Highlight Your Smile Shot

If you have a nice smile, be sure to get at least one photo of you showing it off! For some, that could be the difference between a Swipe Right and a Swipe Left.

8. Highlight Your Favorite Hobbies Shot

Like we’ve already mentioned, if you’ve got a good hobby or interest that could spark a conversation, then include it!

9. Pose with Your Musical Instrument

This one, when done carefully, can really help boost your attractiveness. After all, men who play instruments are sexy.

Just be careful how you portray yourself — this isn’t a highschool band photoshoot, and you don’t want to come across as cocky, either!

10. The Traveler Shot

If you love travel, then include a photo of you traveling! It’ll be a great conversation starter (“Wow, you went to Morocco, too?”) and also shows that you’re adventurous and interested in the world.

11. Pose in Natural Light

Lighting is such an important part of taking good photos. And natural light is best — definitely avoid harsh flash!

If you can, take your photos in natural light. An overcast day with diffused light is actually better for taking photos than in bright sunlight, so check the weather forecast before you begin.

12. Highlight Your Stoic Side

Bit self-conscious about your teeth or smile? Well luckily there isn’t a whole lot of difference between photos that show you looking into the difference smiling, or a little more stoic.

What a photo with a little more smolder can do for you, though, is make you seem a little more mysterious, sexy, and intentional in your pose.

You’re not just looking into the camera, you’re looking beyond it — all sorts of questions could be raised by a potential match, and lead to a Swipe Right!

Concluding Thoughts

What Photos Attract Girls on Tinder FAQs

What is the best first Tinder photo?

Your first Tinder photo should be a good, high-quality headshot which shows your face clearly. It’s the first thing a potential match will want to see, so start with your best foot (or face!) forward!

Is one picture enough for Tinder?

We would definitely recommend having around three to six photos on your Tinder profile, as only one could be a potential big red flag!

While you can upload up to nine, this is also a little bit overkill, so stay in the sweet spot.

What photos do girls want to see on Tinder?

While we’ve covered a lot of the essentials already in this guide, the key thing that girls will want to see from your Tinder pics is someone who is attractive, looks happy and friendly, as well as kind and safe.

Women want to know that you’re someone who’s fun to be around and not a threat. Remember: be approachable and genuine, and you’re bound to get more matches!


  1. refinery29.com
  2. journals.sagepub.com
  3. ebm.bmj.com
  4. akademiai.com
  5. personaldatingassistants.com
  6. sciencedirect.com
  7. akademiai.com
  8. vidaselect.com
  9. beyondages.com
  10. playingfire.com
  11. gq-magazine.co.uk
  12. snaptaken.com
  13. businessinsider.com

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We tailor your photo experience with us to highlight things you enjoy doing most. Whether it's kayaking, rock climbing, reading, or drinking coffee, you'll get more matches with a varied profile filled with your talents.

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